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I develop business strategies for creative freelancers and artists

Hey there! I'm happy you're here! 


I'm an entrepreneur and business strategist with a focus on creative freelancers and artists. I have a passion for discovering a creatives' value proposition and developing a sales strategy that's smart and effective. 


During my time with the Dallas Dads, I built upon the existing client relationships to negotiate contracts upwards of three-fold growth, while expanding business in new relationships in our area.


I managed contracts, developed packages and pricing, and maintained our organizational integrity and reputation. Our company saw 300% increase in revenue during my time as the business manager.


Later on, I played an integral role for the production team at Word on Fire. During my time there, I have organized production schedules on countless video projects, communicated effectively to the production team to and from the rest of the organization, and worked to keep projects on-time and on-budget every single time. I’m especially proud of the fact that I can leave behind a project management infrastructure for the team to receive requests from other departments and communicate effectively from the project’s inception to completion.


As you’ll see from my portfolio, many of my projects have centered on inspiring others, especially when it comes to my Catholic faith. When on-location shoots become tiring, or editing rounds get lengthy, or I encounter any number of production challenges, I find my motivation in creating something true, good, and beautiful. I am committed to seeking solutions and paying attention to details, because I believe the Gospel deserves nothing less.

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